Take the Next Step in Your Career With GreySource
Perhaps you’re a seasoned worker with years of experience who’s not yet ready to retire. And, perhaps, you’ve been told over and over again that you’re “overqualified” or that you’d “be bored.” You may feel that your age is holding you back from maximizing your full employment potential.
Wherever you are on your path, we’re here to help you take the next step in your career with confidence.

It’s Time to Embrace Your Years of Work & Life Experience
At GreySource, we believe that age is an asset. Your experience gives you an understanding of the work environment like no other. You bring something special to the table that no one else can bring.
We can help you embrace your unique experience by pairing you with hiring managers that prioritize diversity and inclusion. As a result, your age and experience will not simply be tolerated, but will be celebrated by your new employer.
Flexible Work Arrangements Do Exist
We specialize in assisting those 55+ who are ready to enter the next act in their careers. Whether seeking non-traditional work arrangements, a flexible work schedule, contingent assignments, or consulting work, we’re here to help. We’ll work to find the best position to fit your particular experience, talent, and needs.
Why Choose GreySource?
GreySource is different from other recruiting agencies. We’re a specialized DEI-focused agency, keeping age diversity first in everything we do. The hiring managers we partner with share our DEI values, resulting in welcoming workplaces for all.
You’ll benefit from a workplace that celebrates who you are while your employer will benefit from your unique perspective, well-honed skills, and life experience. It’s a win-win for all involved.
Our team will support you with over 30 years of experience in traditional recruiting. As certified DEI recruiters who walk the walk, we know when employers truly value diversity and when they’re simply following a trend. As a result, we match you with employers that are the best fit for you.

Browse Our Open Positions
If you’re ready to get started, browse our open positions.
Or, if you’d like for us to work with you to find a position that will fit you best, submit your resume.